The culprit of hair loss is sometimes hard to put our finger on and takes trial and error to figure out why we may be losing hair and experiencing breakage.
Because there are so many reasons why your hair may be falling out, it's important to narrow it down and find the cause so it can be stopped and prevented as quickly as possible
Keep reading to learn some reasons why your hair may be falling out and how you can prevent this from happening in the future.
We are live living organisms and so it is important to eat live, living foods. A lot of food has been processed and is not the best for our body or hair.
Snacking is not good in large quantities because they are not whole foods and are essentially considered dead foods.
By now you all know that what you put inside your body will reflect on the outside and this is including with your hair and the health of it.
You can follow the 80/20 rule which means that 80% of the time you are eating live foods + water and 20% of the time you can cheat and have a snack.
If you struggle with getting veggies into your diet, you can try a green superfood product to help get your daily nutrients. You can also add collagen to your diet to build your bone, joints, and hair.
It can be challenging to get your iron levels up if you are anemic or just have a deficiency. Supplements can help, but also eating red meat and green leafy vegetables can start to help bring those iron levels up and you will start to see significant change over time.
Your hair will start to get thicker and be less brittle and dry over time.
If you do not know if you are iron deficient, you should definitely go to your doctor and get blood
work done because it can really be affecting your hair and the overall health and strength of your cuticles.
Supplement recommendation: Blood Builder by Mega Food
You can also snack on iron rich foods. Some really good ones are pumpkin seeds and goji berries.
When you over style your hair, it increases your chances of hair loss and overall breakage because you are adding tension to your strands and your edges. The more you do this, the thinner it will become.
You can do protective styling, such as braids, but be careful to not overdo it and to let your hair breathe between styles. Also choose styles that do not have to be consistently altered so that you are not pulling and tugging at your hair, which weakens the cuticle.
Tight up do's can also lead to hair loss and over styling your edge line. The hair around our edge line is already fine and constantly putting product and laying your edges can be damaging overtime.