Curious about teas that promote fast hair growth? If you’re struggling with short hair or tresses that just won’t grow, you might want to invest in some herbal tea.
Can you really sip your way to healthy hair? It may seem a little far-fetched, especially if you’re not a big tea drinker. But tea can have a profound effect on health and wellness. Women across all cultures have drunken tea for centuries to beautify the skin and hair.
In this post, you’ll find out about the benefits of drinking tea and how you can use them to increase hair growth. By the end of this article, you’ll know exactly what herbal tea will do for you and which ones to buy to speed hair growth.
Drinking tea has a healing effect on the body which ultimately leads to healthy skin, well-functioning follicles, and hair growth.
Teas have the opposite effect of soda, and they can help to beautify your skin and hair while healing the body. Herbs can be used as medicine to heal the body, and that makes a huge difference when you’re trying to grow hair.
Here are some of the benefits of drinking tea for the hair and scalp:
Purifies the Blood. As you probably know, toxins can seriously impair your bodily function and make it difficult to grow hair. Certain herbal teas work to help the liver, skin, and kidneys eliminate toxins from your body so your cells can perform better.
Stimulates Circulation of the Scalp. There are several herbs that are scientifically proven to stimulate blood flow. Teas help to activate your follicle cells, so they can work to grow hair.
Feeds the Follicles Nutrition. Teas are dried plants that contain several key vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that help to grow hair. You may think that consuming fresh herbs is best, but herbs are usually much more potent in their shrunken, dried state. Drying the plants also makes it easier to store and use.
Strengthens Hair. Herbal tea doesn’t only increase hair growth. It makes the hair stronger because of the rich vitamins and minerals. Drinking tea will reduce breakage and shedding by strengthening your hair from the root.
Nearly all teas are medicinal, but specific herbal teas have been drunken by women throughout time to rejuvenate skin and scalp cells.
Here are some of the best teas to use for hair growth:
Nettle Leaf, aka Stinging Nettle. This plant is abundant in vitamins A, C, D, K, and B. It is also rich in silica, potassium, iron, sulfur, and amino acids—all of which help to grow and strengthen hair.
Nettle’s cleansing properties help to clear toxins away from the body. This tea can reduce shedding and speed hair growth when taken internally. You can also use this tea topically as a rinse to improve the scalp and hair.
Horsetail Tea. As the name suggests, horsetail tea can help to give you strong and shiny hair. Horsetail tea is also known as Equisetum, and you can drink it to reduce shedding and promote hair growth.
Horsetail tea contains a high amount of silica, which helps to improve the scalp and create stronger hair.
Also, try mixing the tea with growth-stimulating essential oils and massaging it into the scalp for added benefit.
Green Tea. You’ve probably consumed green tea before, and maybe you even drink it regularly. Did you know it helps with hair growth? Green tea contains EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), an antioxidant that stimulates hair growth.
The leaf also is a known DHT-blocker. DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is an androgen responsible for hair loss. So, by drinking green tea, you are warding off erosion of the hair follicle. You can also stimulate hair growth by using green tea as a rinse.
Rosemary Tea. Rosemary tea will increase blood circulation when you drink it. This stimulation results in thicker and healthier hair growth.
Rosemary also contains darkening agents that will help to cover your grays naturally over a long period of time when you use it as a rinse.
Peppermint Tea. Peppermint is a popular herb for hair growth, and you’ll find it in many forms. There isn’t a lot of evidence that drinking it can help with hair growth, but using it as a rinse will increase cellular activity and lead to faster growth.
There are many more teas that aren’t listed here that can help with hair growth, but this is the perfect starter list for anyone who’s new to drinking tea for the hair and scalp.
Teas are a great alternative to sodas and alcohol, and they are perfect for boosting hair growth. Teas help to cleanse the body of toxins so that your blood cells can transport nutrients to the follicles better.
And they help to stimulate the blood of the scalp, resulting in faster and thicker hair growth.
You can drink your teas cold in the summers, and hot in the winters. To make a warm cup of tea, heat water to boiling, then pour it into a cup.
Most teas perform best with recently boiled water. This means you boil the water and then let it cool for one minute before steeping the tea. Let the tea steep according to package directions, which can be anywhere from 3-10 minutes.
To make a cold cup of tea, let your hot tea cool, pour it into a tall glass and mix in sweetener (optional). Then drop in a few ice cubes and enjoy.
Herbal teas generally do not have harsh side effects, but you should always consult a doctor first, especially if you’re pregnant.
What about you? Are you drinking teas that promote hair growth, and if so, have they helped?
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